Thursday, March 6, 2008

TOGA Meeting Minutes - February 29th

TOGA had a great meeting last Friday! Thanks to all of you who were there. We talked A LOT so the minutes are a little but long, but please do take a look at them if you get a chance. They contain just about everything that we talked about, and might help you come up with some new ideas for the next meeting.

We'll meet next on Friday, March 14th, from 3 until 430. We'll be making posters, signs, and nametags for our event. See you then!

February 29, 2008 TOGA Minutes

In attendance: Meg, Elisabeth, Connor, Matthew, Sam, Spencer, Matt, Katherine, Erica (Teen Librarian and TOGA Facilitator)

  1. The DDR/Guitar Hero Event

- reminder: double-elimination, signups and permission slips needed, choose
one game only

- date change because of Friday Night Live (no longer April 4)

o it is possible that there might be a dance sometime in April. Meg
will check

- signups will happen within the next few weeks

- still need: TV!! does anyone have one?

o Katherine and Elisabeth suggested we might be able to borrow a tv from their church. Matthew says that he might also have an old
television that we might be able to use for the event.

- also: Meg suggested that some people might like to come to the event and just

read, or want something to do after they've been eliminated

2. Forming committees for the event (Erica will look into budget and have info at next mtg)

- Food/snacks MEG - KATHERINE – ELISABETH [[would anyone else

like to be on this committee? (meg, katherine, and elisabeth all want to be in the reading area and might have some trouble keeping track of the food)]]

o determining types of snacks (m&ms, chips, pretzels, etc)

o keeping tabs on snacks at the event

- Decorations MATTHEW HILL, SPENCER [[who else?]]

o Determining types of decorations (Matthew: blue/green/shiny) (Theme: Geek Gaming at the Gleason)

o Making/finding decorations

- Publicity CONNOR [[who else??]]

o Make and put up posters advertising event (after you know it's okay to do so!)

o Tell lots of people about the event

o Should advertise at Fern's (maybe not – might influence the type of people that come to the event), also at the school library (will work on posters and other items for board at next meeting)

- Activities/Games SAM

o Other things to do in the teen section

  1. Guest blogging on the teen blog


- I would like more people to visit it, and for it to become more interactive

- SO……two TOGA members per month responsible for sending me a post

- Reviews of books, movies, videogames, television shows, info about upcoming events, etc

- Two volunteers to send me a post by March 31 (email, drop it off, bring it to a meeting, etc) MEG and KATHERINE

- Everyone thinks the blog is boring…want to update it a bit. At next meeting, will look at the blog together and see what we can do to spruce it up. (pictures of TOGA members, the image of our Geek Gamer, etc)

Other ideas generated at the meeting:

Matt (and others who would like to – maybe Sadina?) is going to draw his very own version of the "Geek Gamer" – which may be used as part of the publicity for the event.

TOGA members will wear name tags at the event (we'll make those up at the next meeting)

The school library board should include publicity for the event, as well as meeting minutes and the date of the next open meeting

School library board should have info about event, as well as permission slips, that kids must bring to the library in order to be signed up for the event (will make it clear that you must hand in the permission slip and sign up at the Gleason in order to attend the event!)

Erica told everyone that the suggestion box is a huge hit – lots of suggestions are coming in for books, the space, etc. It was a great idea!

Sam volunteered to dress up as the "Geek Gamer" but Erica suggested that an animated version would work just as well. Thanks, Sam – Sorry!!

4. Next meeting – Friday, February 14th

- we'll be making posters for the event, and might even head down to the Teen space to brainstorm

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